Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Wal-Mart Employee Was Trampled To Death On Black Friday.

A Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death by shoppers as he unlocked the doors of for shoppers the morning of Black Fridays. Other employees were hurt as they tried to help the employee. Other shoppers including a pregnant woman were taken to the hospital.

People! Get a hold of yourselves! Shoppers complained when the police had to shut the store down to complete the investigation because somebody died!

Wow! I'm a big fan of Black Friday. I think it's fun. I think it's a cool tradition. I think it combines two great American traits, capitalism and competition. This is a horrid example of what can happen when these two items are taken to their extremes.

It is also an example of what can happen when people get caught up in a pack mentality. People who wouldn't dare act rudely or aggressively on their own go wild when they are in a group that is stirred up.

Sad. Nothing funny here. Prayers go out to this man and his family. The blackest of Fridays indeed for this man's family every year.

Life Lesson #1: Capitalism, competition are fine in balance with compassion and cooperation.
Life Lesson #2: Be aware of the pack you travel in and check yourself out of the group if you are
not comfortable with their intensity or intentions.

1 comment:

MoneyBonanza said...

Amazing, check this out: