Sunday, December 21, 2008

C.I.S.S., Christmas Is Simple Stupid

I went to church tonight. Normally it is a high energy, rock 'n roll affair with tons of college students in a high school auditorium. Tonight, with the students gone it was a simple affair held in a small church.

It seemed to keep with the theme that God was saying , "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" The smell of the wooden pews and the wooden beams of the building reminded me that it started in a manger with animals and hay. No Black Friday, no Christmas lights.

A couple that must have been scared out of their gourds about what they were doing. But proceeding any way because they knew it was what God wanted. That simple desire to follow God's will would be so helpful to so many of us. Just get the "What if's" and the "Why me's" out of the way and just do it.

Then a little baby was born and the world changed forever. That's about as simple as it gets. Dean Inserra, our pastor, last week talked about how a little baby will just wrap his or her hand around your finger. It's just a response, maybe a way a baby connects. But Mary and Joseph probably tested that reflex. And Jesus wrapped his tiny soft hand around their finger. What a simple way to show he was connecting to humans.

Its all so simple.

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